Vi søger værtsfamilier

Kommende STS udvekslingselever

Har du hjertet på rette sted og har lyst til at byde en udvekslingselev indenfor i dit hjem? Eller kender du nogen, der kunne have lyst til det? Vil du gerne lære mere om en anden kultur og få en ven for livet? Vi søger dedikerede familier til vores udvekslingselever, der kommer til Danmark fra hele verden. Fortæl os her, at du er interesseret i at blive værtsfamilie. Din henvendelse er selvfølgelig helt uforpligtende.

Til efteråret kommer vores nye udvekslingselever til Danmark fra USA, New Zealand, Sverige, Italien og andre lande. Selvfølgelig får du som værtsfamilie lov til at vælge, hvilken udvekslingselev du gerne vil invitere ind i dit hjem, så grib chancen, læs mere, og lær vores udvekslingselever at kende for at se, om en af dem kunne passe ind i din familie!

Og tilmeld dig et af vores informationsmøder, hvor vi fortæller mere om, hvordan det er at være værtsfamilie. Du kan også læse vores ofte stillede spørgsmål og om vores tidligere værtsfamiliers oplevelser.

Camilla from Italy

Year of birth: 2008 ​
Home country: Italy ​
Exchange country: Denmark ​
Languages: Italian, English ​
Period of stay: August 2025 – November 2025 ​
Video presentation: Camilla introductory video

Who is Camilla?​
Camilla is a 16-year-old girl from northern Italy who is passionate about art and enjoys attending her local art school. She has been fascinated by Scandinavian countries since middle school, especially Denmark, after doing a project about the country. Camilla is excited to spend her exchange year there, inspired by stories from her cousin and friends who have done exchanges. She lives with her mother, a math and history teacher, and her two dogs, Perla and Luna. Her father lives nearby, and she has a good relationship with both of her parents. In her free time, Camilla enjoys long walks in the park, photography, exploring new cities with friends, and swimming in a nearby river. She values spending time with others and loves having a full house when friends visit.​

Why does Camilla want to do an exchange?​
Camilla wants to do an exchange in Denmark because of her growing passion for Scandinavian countries, especially after researching Denmark in school. She is excited about experiencing Danish culture, improving her language skills, and learning more about the country she has admired for years. Camilla looks forward to spending time in a new environment, meeting new people, and adapting to a different way of life. She is confident that she will adjust quickly and contribute positively to her host family.​

Greetings from Camilla:​
"Thanks for reading my letter, can’t wait to meet you all!​

Noe from Italy

Year of birth: 2008 ​
Home country: Italy ​
Exchange country: Denmark ​
Languages: Italian, English ​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026 ​
Video presentation: Noe introductory video

Who is Noe?​
Noe is a 16-years old boy from Sardinia, Italy. He describes himself as a very sporty person who loves being active. His main passions in life are astronomy and sports. He has been practicing Karate since he was 4 years old and have also been doing athletics ever since then.​

His favorite subject in school is mathematics and he enjoys going to school. When he spend time together with friends, they like to play football, paddle or billiards.​

Why does Noe want to do an exchange?​
With this exchange, Noe hopes to get to know the Danish culture better. He would also like to get to know his host family's way of life and explore their beautiful landscapes. He would love to show his host family some typical Italian dishes and sweets during his exchange.​

Greetings from Noe:​
"I would also like to thank my host family for your generosity, your availability and for everything you will do to help me feel part of the family. I look forward to getting to know you better and building memories together that I will always carry with me."

Zoe from Australia

Year of birth: 2010 ​
Home country: Australia​
Exchange country: Denmark ​
Languages: English, Italian, Russian​
Period of stay: August 2025 – December 2025​
Video presentation: Coming soon...

Who is Zoe?​
Zoe is very adventurous and enjoys going on nature walks and camping with friends. She enjoys traveling and has visited many countries. She has many hobbies, including painting, baking, learning music, clay, jewelry making and sewing. She has done two years of drama outside of school. She is also great with animals and has a lot of pets at home. She enjoy movies and games both board games and online.​

Why does Zoe want to do an exchange?​
She is curious about what it is like to live in another country and excited to experience life in Denmark. Some big things that she wants to accomplish with this exchange are to be a part of your family, have a better understanding of Danish and to experience Danish culture.​

Greetings from Zoe:​
"I’m looking forward to sharing some of my favourite recipes with you and hope to learn some new ones too. I’m really looking forward to exploring my new home, whether in the city or the country. I’ve already started my Danish lessons and am excited to practice with you. I can’t wait to meet your family and share in your traditions, maybe teach you some of our family’s favourite games, I hope I will be a helpful and fun addition to your family."

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