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Hannas udvekslingsår i USA

Vores studerende Hanna fra Polen blogger for STS i løbet af sit 10-måneders udvekslingsår i USA. Følg hendes rejse og hendes eventyr undervejs! Vil du vide mere og få mere inspiration fra vores studerende? Læs flere historier om, hvordan det er at være udvekslingsstuderende i vores Student Stories.

  • My most stressful but proud moments


    Before my exchange program, I promised myself that when I arrived in the USA, I would do everything that I would normally be too scared, embarrasse...
  • Christmas in America


    Christmas was something I was really looking forward to experiencing during my exchange. And not just the holiday itself, but also the period befor...
  • My first Thanksgiving


    One of the many things I want to experience in the United States during my exchange is American holidays. On my list was, of course, Thanksgiving. ...
  • My First American Halloween


    I think one of the more American things is Halloween. I was very excited to celebrate this holiday. It lived up to even my wildest expectations. In...
  • Things that surprised me in the United States


    Since my arrival, I have noticed many things different from those in my country, Poland. I would like to tell you about them. Walmart I think there...
  • First day of school


    The alarm clock rang. I opened my eyes and looked at my phone, it was 6 am. I lay in bed for a while writing back the messages that came to me in t...